Rabbinic Kallah 2020

The annual Sicha Rabbinic Retreat on May 11-15, 2020
will take place at Wildacres Retreat in North Carolina.


Mechayei HaMetim:
Life Among—And Beyond—Our Losses

Mechayei HaMetim names God as the one who “gives life to the dead.” In some prayer books, it appears three times in the Amidah; in others, it does not appear at all. Regardless, Mechayei HaMetim remains in the vocabulary of Jewish religious imagination as an attribute of supreme, life-giving power that resists understanding as well as abandonment.

With classical texts, modern poetry, hevruta learning, journaling, and quiet contemplation, we will explore this powerful theme. During the kallah there will be generous time for our small community to enjoy the majestic surroundings of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge mountains!

More information can be found here.

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